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Are You or Your Neighbors More Efficient?

posted at 2015-12-09


Here is where BPI comes in handy! We certify the energy professional who assesses your home for energy saving opportunities, verifying through written and field practical exams that he/she has the knowledge, skills and abilities to diagnose your home correctly. We even certify professionals to assess, provide a work scope and do the recommended work! By choosing a BPI certified professional, you can rest assured that you are getting skill and quality and not just Bubba in a truck.

Another perk is that the energy audit can be discounted or free, depending on where you live and your level of income, and there are many rebates or loans to help homeowners pay for the upfront costs of energy upgrades. For example, Massachusetts offers rebates for homeowners, landlords and multifamily facilities and New York provides discounts and low cost loans for eligible residents. Search for rebates and other incentives in your state at

Moral of the story: The nationwide trend toward comparison Home Energy reports aims to help you save money and waste less energy. Will you respond to the challenge?

Categories: General