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August 29, 2018

The more outdoor air brought into your home through infiltration through cracks and gaps around your doors, windows, light fixtures, or through mechanical ventilation the more your indoor humidity level will resemble the outdoor humidity level.Using [...]

August 23, 2018

This account was originally posted on the Rocky Mountain Institute website and has been lightly edited.I have a confession. I've been an energy and sustainability architect for many years, I work at one of the most innovative non-profit energy [...]

August 16, 2018

This post was originally published on the Structure Tech blog, and has been lightly edited.After you've created your airtight, insulated box, place it over the offending recessed light in your attic and use a bunch more expanding foam to seal [...]

August 8, 2018

Pennsylvania utilities have significantly expanded energy efficiency program offerings since the enactment of the state's Energy Efficiency Resource Standard with Act 129 in 2008. The Act directs the state's seven largest electric [...]