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Our Blog

November 29, 2017

No matter how much of a clean freak you may consider yourself to be, and no matter how often you make sure to dust your home from top to bottom, you are likely missing a few crucial areas where those pesky mites are hiding. These lurking pockets [...]

November 22, 2017

When new babies enter the house, you, your friends, and family may be on high alert. Everyone is constantly washing their hands and getting current on immunizations before seeing the baby.You likely did some baby-proofing and may have decorated [...]

November 15, 2017

Rebates and incentives are offered to Illinois residents through the utilities for getting "qualified energy upgrades." Illinois Home Performance (IHP), a statewide Home Performance with ENERGY STARĀ® program, works with local utilities [...]

November 9, 2017

So, your local professional has come in and performed the blower door test on your home. He or she has calculated all the information and turned it into numbers that reference your home's air leakage. But wait, slow down, what do these numbers [...]

November 3, 2017

The "Things You Should Know" blog series covers home health, safety, and comfort information that homeowners and renters should know, but might not. Email your topic suggestions to all know pests in our [...]