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Our Blog

February 20, 2018

You don't need a calculator to know when your home needs help. You can feel it in the air. You can see it in your utility bill. Sometimes the solution is simple, like adding some insulation. Sometimes, however, one issue can indicate a bigger [...]

February 15, 2018

When you're considering your impact on the environment, the words "reuse" and "renew" not "buy something new" probably come to mind. But a few smart purchases can actually help you lower your carbon footprint as they [...]

February 8, 2018

Focus on Energy helps homeowners across Wisconsin enjoy greater comfort and energy savings. By partnering with Wisconsin utilities and Trade Ally contractors, Focus on Energy provides incentives of up to $2,250 for energy-efficient upgrades [...]

February 1, 2018

Keeping your home cozy and warm in wintertime often comes at a steep price. Energy bills can skyrocket at this time of year, with everything from attic air leaks to drafty windows and thermostat misuse putting a major dent in household budgets. [...]