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Heroic Homeowner: New Windows Not Always the "Sexiest" Way to Make Your Home Efficient

posted at 2015-12-21


Homeowner Nat Ridder describes his experience using a BPI certified professional to make his Denver home more comfortable.

Three months after our visit from Joe, I'm happy to report we won't be buying SEXY windows. Instead, we put our funds toward better insulation. This decision was based on a detailed energy audit report from Joe. Joe's report, which we received in PDF form within 48 hours of his visit, made it clear that insulation was undoubtedly the most efficient improvement we could make. This improvement saved our family money. These savings are now being directed toward updating our outdated heating system - another recommendation made by Joe. We plan to replace our old boiler with a new boiler within the next year.

Needless to say, our experience with BPI saved us money. Our heating bill appears to be about 10% less. Our home is also far more comfortable. We no longer have to make a fire to keep us warm and we no longer feel that our young son is at risk of being cold at night now that he has insulation above his room. And most importantly, due to BPI and Joe, we now know how to make our house sexy in its efficiency.

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