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5 Things You Don't Know About Your Attic

posted at 2016-02-12


5. Seen any of this? They're a safety hazard. Recessed lights get hot and if they're in contact with insulation can potentially cause a fire. Either have a qualified installer box them up or install recessed LED fixtures instead. LED fixtures tuck completely out of the way, don't generate unwanted heat and can have insulation installed snugly, and safely, around them.

4. Your bathroom exhaust fans should be vented ALL THE WAY OUT of your attic. The whole idea of these vents is to get the moisture out of the air created by your hot shower, so why would you want that moisture hanging around in your attic?

Our mission at greeNEWit, LLC is to help you be a better homeowner by providing expert advice on what goes on behind the walls and behind the scenes. When you're paying attention to your home's maintenance and energy usage, you're helping to reduce waste and pollution, which adds up toward reducing society's impact on the environment.

About Julie Roby, Director of Residential Energy Solutions at greeNEWit
Julie gets out of bed every day with the goal of making incremental progress toward fighting the effects of climate change. In her career at greeNEWit, she does that by helping commercial and residential property owners retrofit their buildings to use less energy, but she knows that's not the reason every client decides to take action - and that's ok! She knows energy auditing and retrofitting can help solve other problems too, whether it's concern about high utility bills, annoyance that rooms are too hot or too cold or worries about indoor air quality. When she's not working toward a future where sustainable communities rule, she plans her wedding to her dreamy fiancé, plays tennis or enjoys going to D.C. museums.

About greeNEWit
greeNEWit is the national leader in sustainable community development and smart grid integration. The firm develops, manages, and implements net-zero trajectory assets to help make communities more resilient, sustainable, and economically prosperous. By working with residential, multifamily, and commercial real estate, greeNEWit has an expansive perspective on how energy end-users understand, interact, and engage with their energy profile. With clients that include some of the most successful developers and managers of student, military, and multi-family housing, greeNEWit is a tech-enabled service business in the growing clean-tech space. Headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, greeNEWit is expanding nationwide. For more information, visit:

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