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5 Places You're Forgetting to Dust That's Killing Your Allergies

posted at 2017-11-29


No matter how much of a clean freak you may consider yourself to be, and no matter how often you make sure to dust your home from top to bottom, you are likely missing a few crucial areas where those pesky mites are hiding. These lurking pockets of dust might wreak havoc on your allergies, leaving you sneezing, itching and frustrated in your seemingly immaculate home.

Here are five places you may be overlooking in your dusting regimen.

Pillows and bedding

You likely remember to wash your sheets regularly, but your blankets, comforters, and pillows are just as exposed to those sloughed-off skin cells. In addition, your bed is apt to serve as a large catchall from time to time. You set your luggage on it to pack, you throw your purse on it when you walk in the door, or you drop on it in exhaustion, wearing all the clothes you wore outside all day. Your bedding and pillows' exposure to this dust and dirt adds up, and they need regular washing. Whenever you wash your sheets, don't forget about the outer layers, too.


Beneath those dusty sheets is your mattress, collector of all the articles floating around your bedroom. It's easy to forget about the mattress, which you don't see too often, but it is down there collecting a whole heap of mites and allergens. 

Run your vacuum over the mattress during your cleanup. If you want to avoid the mattress re-accumulating all that dust and dirt, think about purchasing a mattress cover to shield its porous material.


So, you've dusted all the surface areas in the home, vacuumed the floor, and you can still feel the tickle in your nose when you plop down on the sofa. The problem might very well be what you're sitting on. Sofas and chairs collect just about as much dust and pollen as sheets or the floor. Vacuum cushions regularly and run a damp cloth over the backs and arms of chairs and sofas. Don't forget the cracks between the cushions to get all of those hiding dust mites. And those throw blankets resting on the back? Run them through the laundry from time to time.

Window treatments

Windows can often be overlooked when it comes to cleaning house. Unless the panes are visibly dirty, rarely do the treatments surrounding the windows receive the proper amount of cleaning attention. Drapes, shades, shutters, and window blinds collect mites, pollen and dirt as they float through the air and find a spot to rest.

When washing drapes or shades, follow the manufacturer instructions. For window blinds, gently wipe a microfiber cloth across the slats. You can also run a vacuum over them to take care of heavy buildup.

The next time you're making your housekeeping to-do list, add these important dust collectors to your list. Your allergies will be glad you did.

Categories: General