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Rebates and Incentives: Pennsylvania

posted at 2018-08-08


Pennsylvania utilities have significantly expanded energy efficiency program offerings since the enactment of the state's Energy Efficiency Resource Standard with Act 129 in 2008. The Act directs the state's seven largest electric distribution companies (EDCs), with more than 100,000 customers, to provide energy efficiency and conservation programs.

UGI offers energy efficiency programs and rebates

Though not mandated under Act 129 as companies with fewer than 100,000 customers, UGI Utilities Inc.- Gas Division, UGI Penn Natural Gas, Inc., and Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) voluntarily offer energy efficiency and conservation programs to homeowners. For natural gas companies, the opportunity to invest in helping customers save money, increase comfort, and reduce their impact on the environment provides additional benefits to the communities they serve. 

UGI Utilities offers residential programs such as home energy upgrade incentives and gas equipment rebates in the central and eastern part of Pennsylvania. Energy upgrade incentives are available to eligible homeowners who complete a home energy audit and install energy efficient equipment, based on the audit recommendations. Customers that simply invest in equipment upgrades can also apply for home gas equipment rebates.

In Philadelphia, PGW offers similar rebates for replacement of old natural gas furnaces and boiler equipment with an AFUE of 94% or greater.

Pennsylvania electric distribution companies also offer residential programs, which allow customers to take advantage of both electricity and natural gas savings. These utility companies offer a variety of programs, services, rebates, incentives, and information to homeowners with the overall goal of reducing energy consumption and demand throughout the Commonwealth. With the help of the utility financial incentive programs, homeowners can take steps to make their homes more energy efficient. 

Breakdown of UGI and Pennsylvania program offerings

Pennsylvania residents with natural gas and/or electric service may be eligible for rebates and incentives for implementing the following energy efficiency measures:

  • Heating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Programs
  • Insulation Measures
  • Water Heating and Treatment Measures
  • Wi-Fi Thermostats
  • LED Lamps - Regular and Specialty
  • LED Fixtures
  • CFL Lamps
  • Energy Efficient Appliances
  • Behavioral Measures
  • Home and Online Energy Efficiency Audits
  • New Home Construction
  • Room Air Conditioner Recycling
  • Dehumidifier Recycling
  • Refrigerator/Freezer Recycling

Natural gas utilities offering energy efficiency and conservation programs:

Electric distribution companies that offer energy efficiency and conservation programs:

Categories: General