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Recessed Lights are Evil

posted at 2018-08-16


This post was originally published on the Structure Tech blog, and has been lightly edited.

After you've created your airtight, insulated box, place it over the offending recessed light in your attic and use a bunch more expanding foam to seal it up and make it completely airtight. Not only will this prevent air leakage from around the light, but it will also dramatically increase the insulation level above the light. While the box pictured below is the ugliest box I've ever seen (I built it), it's still very effective at preventing heat loss.

If constructing and installing insulated boxes throughout your attic seems like too much work, you could always replace any standard incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent lights or LEDs; they produce far less heat, they're easy to install, and you'll start saving money right away on your electricity bills.

Categories: General