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How to Choose a Humidifier for Your Home

posted at 2021-08-09


Every year, homeowners spend $420 billion on home improvements, in a bid to make their homes comfortable for themselves and their families. While we can spend thousands on making sure the aesthetics and structure of our homes are in order, there is one unseen aspect homeowners need to pay attention to - their indoor air quality. Low or high humidity can be a problem in many homes, and workspaces. Uncontrolled humidity can not only be bad for the environment, but it can also be problematic for your health and your home. Dry air can result in damage to your hardwood floors and the development of respiratory conditions like wheezing and asthma attacks. Whether it is keeping your home in the best shape or keeping you and your family healthy, adding a home humidifier can be the answer to giving you more control over your indoor air quality. 

The benefits of investing in a home humidifier 

Having a humidifier in your home can provide several benefits, including helping you sleep well. In fact, it is not uncommon for physicians to recommend the use of a humidifier for those struggling to sleep. Ideally, The Environmental Protection Agency recommends that homeowners keep their humidity levels below 60 percent (preferably between 30 and 50 percent). Having too high humidity can also damage your home by accelerating the growth of mold, peeling wallpaper, and growth of bacteria which can give off an unpleasant smell. 

Also, did you know that having dry air in your home could be costing you more energy costs? Dry air can feel colder, which drives you to crank up the heating in your home. According to the EPA, every additional degree you heat your home adds around 4 percent to your energy bills. Therefore, a home humidifier can give you more control over your indoor temperature, and a better chance of cutting your energy costs in the home.

Think of where you intend to be using the humidifier 

The room and placement of the humidifier will help you decide the model to buy. Each humidifier comes with standard square footage coverage, which can guide you on whether it will be suited to your space. When choosing a bedroom humidifier, you would be better off with a model suited for 700 feet or less. However, if you are in the market for a whole-house humidifier, larger units covering up to 3,600 square feet are more suited. Having a vaporizer attached directly to your HVAC system can be appealing since they come with less maintenance, except for an annual cleaning or check-up. Resist the urge to purchase a bigger unit than you need. If it is too large, a humidifier can cause condensation which in turn will promote the growth of mold.

Consider its energy efficiency

If you are looking to reduce your home's energy consumption, adding a humidifier may seem to contradict your wishes. However, there are now humidifiers with hydrostats installed. A hydrostat acts as a control on the temperature and automatically switches off when the optimum humidity is reached. This avoids energy wastage and provides the reassurance that your home's humidity will be adjusted automatically. 

Review its maintenance frequency and ease

Another thing to look out for when choosing a home humidifier is its maintenance requirements. Depending on where you live, your humidifier may have to operate with hard water. If this is the case, you will need to clean it more frequently to avoid the buildup that comes with hard water. Without regular care and cleaning, humidifiers can release stagnant evaporated water into the air you breathe. Easy to clean humidifiers often come with removable filters and have wide, accessible water containers.

With so many models on the market, it can be confusing when trying to choose a humidifier for your home. What is certain, however, is the beneficial role a humidifier can play in your home - and your family's health.


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