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January 17, 2024

It s 2024 already! If you expect to have an income tax burden for the 2023 tax year, you may be thinking of ways to reduce the tax you owe. If you made efficiency improvements to your home in 2023 the 25C tax credit may be just the help [...]

August 1, 2023

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has dramatically changed the landscape for homeowners who want to make their homes more healthy, efficient, and durable. There's never been a better time, because the network of tax credits and [...]

April 10, 2023

Your beliefs and expectations about home air conditioning probably reflect the part of the country you live in. If you live in the south or west, you may think that AC should be part of every home, while if you're from a cool northern climate [...]

March 30, 2023

Everyone wants a more comfortable, healthy home. A reduction in energy bills is usually welcome, too! But although improvements to your home like air sealing, insulation, and HVAC improvements will pay for themselves over time, the upfront [...]

February 16, 2023

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 introduced exciting new ways to help homeowners reduce energy costs. Some of the most highly publicized incentives can help you purchase high-efficiency electric appliances and equipment. Heat [...]

January 11, 2023

Winter is a time when many people discover issues with their homes and make plans for upgrades in the coming year. Your home goals for 2023 might include: addressing comfort problems in certain rooms, lowering heating and cooling costs, resolving [...]

November 23, 2022

As 2022 draws to a close there are two reasons to think about tax credits for home efficiency work. First, it will soon be time to file your 2022 taxes, and you may have qualifying expenses. But more important, in 2023 certain [...]

October 20, 2022

At BPI our mission is to make America's homes more safe, efficient, comfortable, healthy, and durable. Our favorite part is making homes more comfortable! October is Energy Awareness month, so in this post we're talking about what home [...]

September 30, 2022

There's been a lot of talk recently about the new Inflation Reduction Act. But what does it mean for you and your home? One of the first things you should know to prepare for the IRA is the difference between a tax credit and a rebate. [...]

August 24, 2022

Many Americans cook with gas stoves. But new research has confirmed existing evidence that many stoves are constantly emitting gasses that pose serious health risks when inhaled. A study released in February of this year [...]

July 12, 2022

It was winter in Virginia and I was suffering from regular headaches at home. Whenever I left the house, the headaches would go away. Within half an hour of returning home, my throat would start to become sensitive. Swallowing would begin to [...]

June 15, 2022

How to Invest in Efficiency Upgrades and Fight High Energy Costs Energy costs can sometimes be hard to predict, as rates fluctuate and changing government policies bring on additional unexpected expenses. There s no need to feel hopeless, [...]


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